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Christmas day was different for me because we didn't have any extended family over. Our extended family usually brings food and we play board games and stuff. I always just hang out with my cousins too. My mom says they love spending time with me so I decided that I wanna spend even more time with them than i already have been, except not recently due to covid.. This time, most of what I did was just boring stuff. I did still hang out with my family but it was just less festive and we all felt a little more exhausted. I did grill short ribs though, they were really good and I'm actually really glad I did that. But I really burnt some to a crisp and they just crumbled apart if I tried to pick them up. I couldnt see if they were cooked well or not because the fire was too big. I also built a robot which was one of my Christmas presents and it took me about 3-4 hours to do, I still have to try and program it though and assign which buttons do what on the remote controller it came with. I think I'll do that this weekend since I really wanna figure it out, I've just been a bit too lazy with it and never got to programming. But other than that i just talked about football and food with basically everyone. Although it was exhausting, it was still fun to do since it was different.

Date (Dublin Core)

December 25, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Micah Higa

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Micah Higa

Partner (Dublin Core)

Oaks Christian Middle School

Type (Dublin Core)

text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Home & Family Life
English Emotion

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

less festive
Christmas present

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