
The impact of Covid-19

Title (Dublin Core)

The impact of Covid-19

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Corona Virus or Covid-19 started in Wuhan China in early 2020. It has almost been a year since this deadly virus started. When the disease spread to America and was declared a national pandemic. Stores all around the world, and with those stores, schools shut down too. All kids around the world were now going on virtual meetings and learning from home. This change affected me a lot. I started going to bed later and barley getting sleep, I wasn't exercising, or eating right. Life wasn't that good... until I got used to it. Once I got used to it I would sleep in between classes and have all my assignments turned in on time. We're back to school now which makes me sad and happy at the same time. Whatever happens I'm just glad I get a good education.

Date (Dublin Core)

January 14, 2021

Creator (Dublin Core)

Maggie Sung

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Maggie Sung

Partner (Dublin Core)

Oaks Christian Middle School

Type (Dublin Core)

text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Business & Industry
English Online Learning
English Education--K12

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

national pandemic
shut down
virtual meeting
life is not good

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Linked Data (Dublin Core)

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This item was submitted on January 14, 2021 by Maggie Sung using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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