
Remote School

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Remote School

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I am a middle schooler. In the middle of march, online school started because of the pandemic. This was a very significant change compared to normal school. There were some pros and cons to having online. Some advantages were sleeping in. Even though it was only like an extra 30 min to an hour, it was still nice. Another advantage was more free time. All that time spent driving and moving to classes was non-existent. Now for the disadvantages. Many people agree with me that it sucked not seeing any friends. My human interaction was very, very limited. Other than my family and when I went outside toe exercise, I didn't see anyone. Also, wifi can be a serious issue. Any bad internet makes learning incredibly hard. I did still talk to my friends very often on things like discord but it is not the same as seeing them in person. My daily routine was go to school, exercise and play video games. My life did not consist of much more than that till summer. Eventually, I started having my sports practice again, but that was not till after summer, and it was still restricted in many ways.

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Oaks Christian Middle School

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English Education--K12
English Online Learning

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

internet connection

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This item was submitted on January 15, 2021 by Malachi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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