COVID Satistics
Title (Dublin Core)
COVID Satistics
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Description (Dublin Core)
COVID 19 has been horrible for all of us. Many people have been lost and many families have been affected. According to Statista since January 25, 2021, over 25.1 million people have been affected by the coronavirus across the United States. California, New York, Florida, and Houston are the states that are reporting the highest numbers. Since January 25, California has the leading number of cases at 3,168,528, then Texas with 2,250,421, right behind is Florida with 1,649,449, and lastly New York with 1,335,695. In total, these four states add up to 8,404,093 cases out of 25 million. After a year of experiencing this horrific disease, I am very happy that there is finally a vaccine. My uncle works in the emergency department of a hospital so he could be getting exposed to people with COVID daily. Since there is now a vaccine I am not as worried when he leaves to work. Because he is a health official he has already gotten the vaccine and luckily had no side effects. A couple of weeks later my grandma got the vaccine because she is high risk and fortunately she is not experiencing any side effects either. Now that everything is calming down and COVID is becoming a new norm like the Flu, I have learned many things throughout this pandemic. Although the pandemic was horrible for everyone including my family, it helped give me a wake-up call. I realized that every day is not guaranteed. You can do everything right but still, end up hurt or even worse dead. Throughout this pandemic, I have made a promise to myself that I will work harder for the things I want, spend more time with my family, and cherish the moments I am given.
Date (Dublin Core)
January 26, 2021
Creator (Dublin Core)
Isabella Muradyan
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Isabella Muradyan
Partner (Dublin Core)
Oaks Christian Middle School
Type (Dublin Core)
Text Story
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Home & Family Life
Health & Wellness
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Collection (Dublin Core)
Vaccine Stories
Linked Data (Dublin Core)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
This item was submitted on January 26, 2021 by Isabella Muradyan using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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