
Queuing to enter the supermarket in times of physical distancing

Title (Dublin Core)

Queuing to enter the supermarket in times of physical distancing

Description (Dublin Core)

Just before Easter our Coles reorganised itself. It closed the entrance via the arcade and made one door and entrance and the other an exit. There are signs on the wall instructing people to stand a supermarket trolley apart. People mostly do this (not like at the Aldi that I also passed today!). Someone stands at the exit door counting the people leaving and they let the person at the entrance know how many people to allow in. The only time there’s been a queue has been the Easter weekend and this Anzac Day weekend. Strangely the smaller Woolworths across the road has no queue.

Date (Dublin Core)

April 25, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Sophie Couchman

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Sophie Couchman

Type (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Business & Industry
English Consumer Culture (shopping, dinning...)
English Social Distance

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