

Title (Dublin Core)


Description (Dublin Core)

Gennady Khodov provides reflections on the quarantine in their home
There is a strict quarantine in our city of Temirtau (country: Kazakhstan). Trading houses, beauty salons and everything else is closed. Only grocery stores work. Cars are not visible in the city. Public transport goes only in the morning a couple of hours and in the evening. Although we're not allowed to walk on the street, people don't respect quarantine. In many yards, children walk unaccompanied by adults. And the grown-ups themselves just walk around. A lot of homeless people walk around town. Lots of alcoholics. Quarantine has increased the incidence of crime. They've introduced electronic passes in the city. We still have bad ecology, factories pollute the air... Some people think the coronavirus doesn't exist, which is very bad. They believe in various conspiracy theories. And how can you convince people like this that the virus exists? Because they're the reason other people suffer...

It's because of people like that who don't comply with quarantine... Quarantine can last a long time.

It's sad to see this madness... When this is over...

I'm tired of it.

Date (Dublin Core)

April 26, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Gennady Khodov

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Gennady Khodov

Type (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Social & Physical Distancing
Public Space
English Pandemic Skeptics

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)


Collection (Dublin Core)

Mental Health

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Text (Omeka Classic)

There is a strict quarantine in our city of Temirtau (country: Kazakhstan). Trading houses, beauty salons and everything else is closed. Only grocery stores work. Cars are not visible in the city. Public transport goes only in the morning a couple of hours and in the evening. Although we're not allowed to walk on the street, people don't respect quarantine. In many yards, children walk unaccompanied by adults. And the grown-ups themselves just walk around. A lot of homeless people walk around town. Lots of alcoholics. Quarantine has increased the incidence of crime. They've introduced electronic passes in the city. We still have bad ecology, factories pollute the air... Some people think the coronavirus doesn't exist, which is very bad. They believe in various conspiracy theories. And how can you convince people like this that the virus exists? Because they're the reason other people suffer...

It's because of people like that who don't comply with quarantine... Quarantine can last a long time.

It's sad to see this madness... When this is over...

I'm tired of it.

Original Format (Omeka Classic)

Text submission

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