
The Landscape of Emotion Series #9

Title (Dublin Core)

The Landscape of Emotion Series #9

Description (Dublin Core)

The Landscape of Emotion Series: Under Quarantine is a series illustrating the diverse experiences of mental health and feelings throughout quarantine. Clara Leon, my mother, focuses on unemployment and the love she has and misses for her job. Note: Edward and William are the children she takes care of.
A graphic image including quotes from interviewed individuals, and my own images.

Date (Dublin Core)

May 10, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Nyckole Lopez

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Nyckole Lopez, Fordham University, VART3030

Type (Dublin Core)

A graphic image including quotes from interviewed individuals, and my own images.

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Emotion
English Health & Wellness
English Labor

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