
PSC101 Extra Credit Instructions


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PSC101 Extra Credit Instructions

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Call For Paper Upload to Archive for PSC101: Hi, Rebels.
I hear your upset about the KNPR paper. In response, I have given everyone 5% extra credit on that assignment. (I've done this by lowering the points possible to 95 while not adjusting your score. Since the KNPR paper is worth 15% of your grade – no matter how many points I make it worth – this has the effect of giving you 5% extra credit on your paper. Yes, this really is the easiest way.)
I also offer you the chance for an extra 5% extra credit on the KNPR paper. I'm working with a project involved in chronicling people's experiences and the like during coronavirus. Right now, you and I are living history. We must keep and curate information from all walks of life (rather than just the elite). To get this 5% of extra credit, you will upload your KNPR assignment to with following tags in the "What else would you like to tell us about this contribution?" field: #unlv #psc100 #mlphelps #knpr #stateofnevada #nevada You may also remove all personal information from your paper and upload it anonymously. If you do not want to contribute to the archive, you may write a 250 to 500-word essay explaining the intent and history of this archival project and upload that in place of the screenshot.
TLDR: For extra credit, upload your KNPR paper here: then upload a screenshot of your confirmation page to canvas here:
I need to turn in grades soon, so you only have 24 hours to complete this extra credit. I'm here if you have any questions.
PS: I hope you upload many, many things to this archive, such as journals, explanations of what is going on at work, pictures of empty or strange places, interviews with your parents and friends, etc. I would see us represented. It'll help me if you include #mlphelps in everything you upload. I want to make sure the experience of the individual - you - is not forgotten by history.

Date (Dublin Core)

May 16, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Martha Lizabeth Phelps

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Martha Lizabeth Phelps

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Type (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Emotion
English Education--Universities
English News coverage

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