
Last Class Announcement PSC100


Title (Dublin Core)

Last Class Announcement PSC100

Description (Dublin Core)

Hi, Rebels. Thank you for your hard work these past five weeks. I have my grades inputted, and I will submit them to UNLV in 24 hours. I am here if you have any questions. I also have some announcements that I think may interest you:
Contribute to the Covid-19 Archive: A favor – if your KNPR paper dealt with coronavirus, would you please upload it to the Covid-19 Archive? I encourage you to upload other things that relate to you as a person and Las Vegas. Do you have pictures of an empty Las Vegas? Have you been journaling about how much this sucks? Have you made art inspired by the pandemic? I'm part of a project trying to collect these stories. I encourage you to upload a bit of your life. Tag anything class related with #psc100 and #unlv. I'd like you to include the tag #mlphelps in anything you upload to trace your activity to me. (Don't worry if you do it wrong, real people will review and fix your entry) Please upload your KNPR paper/journal/picture/poem/art/anger here:
COVID-19 Testing: Testing for coronavirus is available and free. You do not have to have symptoms or health insurance to get tested. Visit UNLV Medicine's COVID-19 Triage Questionnaire website, Text ''covid'' to 702-744-9722, or call 702-583-4408. I tried out the website before sending it out, and it seems pretty easy.
Political Science Club: In Fall 2020, the department of political science will be sponsoring a student-led and student-created Political Science Club. We are now gathering interested members. This club will exist to provide a community for our majors and friends. Anyone is welcome. Join here:!forum/political-science-club
In closing, I offer my sincerest congratulations to our graduating seniors. Look at how far you've come and how much you've overcome! The world is dark and hard, but we've trained you to be a rebel. Be the light. Congratulations again.


Date (Dublin Core)

May 16, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Martha Lizabeth Phelps

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Martha Lizabeth Phelps

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

University of Nevada Las Vegas

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Government Federal
Social Issues

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Las Vegas

Collection (Dublin Core)

College COVID Stories

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Date Created (Dublin Core)


Text (Omeka Classic)

Hi, Rebels. Thank you for your hard work these past five weeks. I have my grades inputted, and I will submit them to UNLV in 24 hours. I am here if you have any questions. I also have some announcements that I think may interest you:
Contribute to the Covid-19 Archive: A favor – if your KNPR paper dealt with coronavirus, would you please upload it to the Covid-19 Archive? I encourage you to upload other things that relate to you as a person and Las Vegas. Do you have pictures of an empty Las Vegas? Have you been journaling about how much this sucks? Have you made art inspired by the pandemic? I'm part of a project trying to collect these stories. I encourage you to upload a bit of your life. Tag anything class related with #psc100 and #unlv. I'd like you to include the tag #mlphelps in anything you upload to trace your activity to me. (Don't worry if you do it wrong, real people will review and fix your entry) Please upload your KNPR paper/journal/picture/poem/art/anger here:
COVID-19 Testing: Testing for coronavirus is available and free. You do not have to have symptoms or health insurance to get tested. Visit UNLV Medicine's COVID-19 Triage Questionnaire website, Text ''covid'' to 702-744-9722, or call 702-583-4408. I tried out the website before sending it out, and it seems pretty easy.
Political Science Club: In Fall 2020, the department of political science will be sponsoring a student-led and student-created Political Science Club. We are now gathering interested members. This club will exist to provide a community for our majors and friends. Anyone is welcome. Join here:!forum/political-science-club
In closing, I offer my sincerest congratulations to our graduating seniors. Look at how far you've come and how much you've overcome! The world is dark and hard, but we've trained you to be a rebel. Be the light. Congratulations again.

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