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A student's final paper discussing the reopening of Las Vegas and Clark County, Nevada
Alina Marruffo
Professor Phelps
PSC 101 1012
09 May 2020

KNPR Response

The podcast titled, “Clark County Responds To Mayor Comments And Concerns About
Reopening” and aired on April twenty-eighth, discussed the topic of the various involvements of
Clark county and the government opening up Las Vegas businesses and tourist destinations
post-Covid with the biggest question of “How will Vegas get back to normal?” This is an
example of the local and governments state budgeting module in our course. Speaking on this
matter is Commissioner Naft.
Recently, Governor Sisolak spoke about the current pandemic in regards to businesses
opening up saying once Covid transmissions have gone down, businesses will begin opening up
in phase one. This podcast brings to light a few important concerns and issues that may come
about as we transition into the next phases as well as gives some insight as to what may happen
throughout this process.
Almost immediately, the controversial statements made by Mayor Goodman at this past week's
press conference caught the attention of Government officials, locals, and strip operators. The
government said this could damage the efforts and image of Las Vegas for tourists to feel safe.
He continues to speak and opens up the conversation of overstepping past the line of Jurisdiction and public understanding of power placement. This topic is opened with asking, “ How would
the strip reopen?”
Commissioner Naft spoke into this matter saying, “The goal of the Clark County commision is
to make the perception of the Strip, one of the safest locations.” Especially with the plan of
Casinos starting to open up again such as the WYNN along with the Memorial day Celebrations
expected to occur . Assurance comes from a reported testing increase expectation of four
thousand tests given a day by May first and ten thousand tests given by June first.
This optimism is challenged by these such comments or as commissioner Naft referred to them
as “conspiracy theories” By speaking outside of her means when offering up a solution for a
problem that was not in her jurisdiction and essentially offering up Las Vegas as a “science
experiment” to test on how corona would affect the population if we ended quarantine was the
most heated topic.
As previously mentioned, she spoke outside of her means as this was a Clark County matter not
one of officials whose focus is about Las Vegas. This can potentially harm or slow down the
process of opening up as the perception of safety and thoughts about how this would look in the
long term future could impact public participation in a negative way. Commissioner Mike Naft
even expressed his feelings about offering up Las Vegas as a “petri dish.”
Although these comments sparked controversy, many people came to her side. The basis of their
opinion was that she was doing what she thought was right, she is a good person. Here, the
matter of character versus power of title became the topic of discussion. Naft even gave her
character credibility when talking about this matter saying that he has associated with her and
affirmed what those who came into her defense were saying. When he made this comment he
was referring to the common issue of people outside of Nevada not fully understanding where
the lines of responsibility are drawn. People see the mayor as a spokesperson for the brand, “Las
Vegas”. He then went on to clarify that the Mayor's job is powerless aside from being the
cheerleader and having a vote in city council. Her influence in their perspective comes from the
title “Las Vegas” being associated with it. Pair this false level of authority with the comments
made and you get significant harmful results.
Moving forward in the podcast, the question is brought up as to what it would look like for las
vegas to reopen and the involvement of Clark county functions moving forward?
Naft shared that this group is continually listening to medical informatics along with
waiting on government guidance. In recognizing lines of authority CCSD and the City of Las
vegas are often associated with each other or through having clashing views. Nash reassures that
the relationship between both have been great and a collaboration of working together may be a
possibility as a way to help with budget and saving money. and another way to grow through this
In regards to the Strip opening up, the subject of opening up the strip for memorial day this has
been a big possibility. Collectively, Commissioner Naft talked about possibly erging through this
time with the City of LAS Vegas. This effort would be to save money through the convergence.
As of now in regards to opening up on the strip or opening up various Clark County facilities
Clark County is saying they are not listening to public opinions they are only paying attention to
the direction of the Government of the state of Nevada and Health Care experts along with
healthcare ordinances.
Clark County function post Covid-19 is predicted to look like a time of modernization.
Commissioner Naft says this is the prime time to use the new ways of functioning and means of
adaptation as a developing platform for the future of Clark County's wellbeing and hopes for

Work Cited
KNPR. “Site Search.” Nevada Public Radio, 20 Apr. 2020,

Date (Dublin Core)

May 9, 2020

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Alina Marruffo

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Alina Marruffo

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Las Vegas

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