
KNPR Summary of Megadroughts


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KNPR Summary of Megadroughts

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Reporting from radio station KNPR (88.9) “State of Nevada” program they are specifically there to give the news/information of what is happening in Nevada. With the news being broadcast on the radio they tend to talk about business-related news, politics in Nevada, and in this week’s radio news they were talking about “Megadroughts in Nevada” in the beginning. A megadrought is a shortage of water in the land causing it to become dry usually lasting much longer than a normal drought. In KNPR radio news they discuss how Nevada we have been in a drought, a megadrought to be specific for about two decades. Listening to this week’s broadcast news a summary of this topic will be given in the following order such as the topic being discussed, who were the participants, the specific issues deliberated, terms the program discussed, and what were the points made by the participants.
As regards to listening to KNPR news program, the topic of one of this week’s broadcast was about megadroughts in Nevada. Megadroughts have been happening all over the western areas of the United States of America. To be more precise it has been happening more in northern California, northern Nevada, Utah, some parts of Colorado, and northern New Mexico. In the broadcast, they explain what causes that megadroughts have come every 5 centuries. They determine that by looking at the tree rings records looking at the moisture of them. In the past megadroughts occur once in five hundred years stated in the broadcast. By looking at the past megadroughts, this megadrought in Nevada that was talked about in the broadcast is confirmed to be in the pace of becoming like those past megadroughts. This topic was being talked about in KNPR radio news to explain to its viewers and fellow Nevadans that this is a serious topic to talk about since it will affect them in the long run. It brings attention to this topic making fellow Nevadans more concerned with this dilemma. KNPR “State of Nevada” program helps this problem come to light and with the help of the participant gain knowledge and information about this topic.
The participant named A. Park Williams talked about the topic of this week being megadroughts in Nevada with the interviewer being Joe Schoenmann. A. Park Williams is a professor at Columbia University and wrote an article about megadroughts in Northern America in the journal of the science magazine. Through the interview in the KNPR radio as he explains how this drought in Nevada can go to 21 years or more considering that the past megadroughts could last 30 to 100 years stated by professor Williams. It is important for Nevada and its residents to hear about this professor opinion, knowledge, and wise-words about the topic of megadroughts. He states that Nevada is in the midst of a megadrought that has gone through 20 years that could last up to 80 more years affecting the water system and environment of Nevada and other states as well. Professor Williams goes through the issues with the megadroughts in more depth throughout the broadcast.
In more depth of Professor Willams explaining the issues of Nevada, he explains what the issues deliberated in KNPR. KNPR gave the chance to professor Williams to describe the issues of Nevada with megadroughts. The issues were that if this megadrought continues it will not only affect the environment but as well the way of our life. Water is the main constraint of life, therefore, being very valuable and should be sacred when coming to it. Humans have had their addition to megadrought increasing causing climate change and it is a contributing factor to the megadrought. Even though professor Willams declares that climate change has had an impact role in the temperature it is behind 2.5 to 3 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it would be without humans causing climate change. Therefore the megadrought would have had to happen, either way, but the human is still a contributing factor to the megadrought. He states that this drought is becoming an issue becoming it growing to be a long-lasting megadrought being a huge issue. The issue is climate change is affecting either a small or large amount to increase the possibilities of a megadrought. Coming to the end of this interview it makes the audience think about what kind of concepts this theme goes through.
Tying this segment of megadroughts in Nevada the course concepts as one of the viewers make us think they are talking about is state cooperation. State cooperation is another form of is a system where the system of government in which powers/policies assignments are shared between states and national government and interchange cooperatively and altogether solve common problems. The government of different states working together toward a common goal. Megadroughts is a common trait between Northern California, Northern Nevada, part of Colorado, Northern New Mexico, and Utah. This is shared between these states because they have a river following through these states which they use the source from to live and sustain their environment. Since this is a common problem for the western side of the United States they should share federal guidelines for this issue and follow guidelines for how to solve this dilemma. The federal government should give some kind of tax revenue to these states in order to find a solution to this problem since it will eventually affect them greatly. Even though professor Williams didn’t make a statement about state cooperation he made very good points in this broadcast.
Some good points that Professor Williams made throughout this broadcast were very much knowledgeable and helpful information that helps the audience truly know about megadroughts. One of the good points was that the cause of the megadrought was from climate change. He stated that humans have an effect on megadroughts making them maybe last longer than usual. Another point he made was that what made this drought was that it had a more spacial extent than the last past megadroughts. He pointed with the spatial extent statement because global warming events are happening not occurring in Nevada but all across the west. Making it known to other states that it was affecting them too. He points out throughout the interview that Nevada should be realistic about this issue since it will be affecting them for a long time. Professor Williams mainly pointed out that he wants to be able to anticipate those climate changes so that the megadrought could come to an end.

Stephanie Morales summarizing from KNPR station

Date (Dublin Core)

May 9, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Stephanie Morales

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Stephanie Morales

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University of Nevada Las Vegas

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Government Federal
Government State

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Reporting from radio station KNPR (88.9) “State of Nevada” program they are specifically there to give the news/information of what is happening in Nevada. With the news being broadcast on the radio they tend to talk about business-related news, politics in Nevada, and in this week’s radio news they were talking about “Megadroughts in Nevada” in the beginning. A megadrought is a shortage of water in the land causing it to become dry usually lasting much longer than a normal drought. In KNPR radio news they discuss how Nevada we have been in a drought, a megadrought to be specific for about two decades. Listening to this week’s broadcast news a summary of this topic will be given in the following order such as the topic being discussed, who were the participants, the specific issues deliberated, terms the program discussed, and what were the points made by the participants.
As regards to listening to KNPR news program, the topic of one of this week’s broadcast was about megadroughts in Nevada. Megadroughts have been happening all over the western areas of the United States of America. To be more precise it has been happening more in northern California, northern Nevada, Utah, some parts of Colorado, and northern New Mexico. In the broadcast, they explain what causes that megadroughts have come every 5 centuries. They determine that by looking at the tree rings records looking at the moisture of them. In the past megadroughts occur once in five hundred years stated in the broadcast. By looking at the past megadroughts, this megadrought in Nevada that was talked about in the broadcast is confirmed to be in the pace of becoming like those past megadroughts. This topic was being talked about in KNPR radio news to explain to its viewers and fellow Nevadans that this is a serious topic to talk about since it will affect them in the long run. It brings attention to this topic making fellow Nevadans more concerned with this dilemma. KNPR “State of Nevada” program helps this problem come to light and with the help of the participant gain knowledge and information about this topic.
The participant named A. Park Williams talked about the topic of this week being megadroughts in Nevada with the interviewer being Joe Schoenmann. A. Park Williams is a professor at Columbia University and wrote an article about megadroughts in Northern America in the journal of the science magazine. Through the interview in the KNPR radio as he explains how this drought in Nevada can go to 21 years or more considering that the past megadroughts could last 30 to 100 years stated by professor Williams. It is important for Nevada and its residents to hear about this professor opinion, knowledge, and wise-words about the topic of megadroughts. He states that Nevada is in the midst of a megadrought that has gone through 20 years that could last up to 80 more years affecting the water system and environment of Nevada and other states as well. Professor Williams goes through the issues with the megadroughts in more depth throughout the broadcast.
In more depth of Professor Willams explaining the issues of Nevada, he explains what the issues deliberated in KNPR. KNPR gave the chance to professor Williams to describe the issues of Nevada with megadroughts. The issues were that if this megadrought continues it will not only affect the environment but as well the way of our life. Water is the main constraint of life, therefore, being very valuable and should be sacred when coming to it. Humans have had their addition to megadrought increasing causing climate change and it is a contributing factor to the megadrought. Even though professor Willams declares that climate change has had an impact role in the temperature it is behind 2.5 to 3 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it would be without humans causing climate change. Therefore the megadrought would have had to happen, either way, but the human is still a contributing factor to the megadrought. He states that this drought is becoming an issue becoming it growing to be a long-lasting megadrought being a huge issue. The issue is climate change is affecting either a small or large amount to increase the possibilities of a megadrought. Coming to the end of this interview it makes the audience think about what kind of concepts this theme goes through.
Tying this segment of megadroughts in Nevada the course concepts as one of the viewers make us think they are talking about is state cooperation. State cooperation is another form of is a system where the system of government in which powers/policies assignments are shared between states and national government and interchange cooperatively and altogether solve common problems. The government of different states working together toward a common goal. Megadroughts is a common trait between Northern California, Northern Nevada, part of Colorado, Northern New Mexico, and Utah. This is shared between these states because they have a river following through these states which they use the source from to live and sustain their environment. Since this is a common problem for the western side of the United States they should share federal guidelines for this issue and follow guidelines for how to solve this dilemma. The federal government should give some kind of tax revenue to these states in order to find a solution to this problem since it will eventually affect them greatly. Even though professor Williams didn’t make a statement about state cooperation he made very good points in this broadcast.
Some good points that Professor Williams made throughout this broadcast were very much knowledgeable and helpful information that helps the audience truly know about megadroughts. One of the good points was that the cause of the megadrought was from climate change. He stated that humans have an effect on megadroughts making them maybe last longer than usual. Another point he made was that what made this drought was that it had a more spacial extent than the last past megadroughts. He pointed with the spatial extent statement because global warming events are happening not occurring in Nevada but all across the west. Making it known to other states that it was affecting them too. He points out throughout the interview that Nevada should be realistic about this issue since it will be affecting them for a long time. Professor Williams mainly pointed out that he wants to be able to anticipate those climate changes so that the megadrought could come to an end.

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