
With a Tambourine Against Infection: How the Buryat Shamans Banished the Coronavirus

Title (Dublin Core)

With a Tambourine Against Infection: How the Buryat Shamans Banished the Coronavirus

Description (Dublin Core)

"In the Republic of Buryatia, shamans came to fight against coronavirus. The rite of “exile” of the disease was carried out by worshipers in Ulan-Ude, says MIR 24 correspondent Nadezhda Serezhkina. They have not heard about traditional medicine here. Buryat shamans came out to fight the new virus, armed with tambourines and ritual costumes. The hereditary worshipers, women from the Hongodor tribe, are driven out of the pandemic. 'We pray that our planet will not have a disease, such as a coronavirus, against it. For people, for children, for themselves and their relatives,'said the shaman Elina Tanganova." #IndigenousStories

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Contributor (Dublin Core)

Arina Melkozernova

Type (Dublin Core)

news article

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Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Religion

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Indigenous POV

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