
Irony: The Passover Seder Is Canceled Due to a Plague.

Title (Dublin Core)

Irony: The Passover Seder Is Canceled Due to a Plague.

Description (Dublin Core)

This was, for many of us, the first Passover that we could not celebrate together, in person, as a family. Various rabbinical authorities even authorized that it was okay to celebrate Passover over Zoom, even though all electronics are normally off-limits during the first two nights/days of the holiday.

Passover is, of course, a holiday which celebrates a story in which Ten Plagues brought down upon the Egyptian slavemasters by God, feature prominently. Many of us, particularly in the United States, have been privileged to never have to suffer from anything we might call a "plague." Most years, the Ten Plagues are a much more abstract concept - some families even joke around about the plagues, with a wide variety of children's toys available to help make the Passover Seder more tolerable / enjoyable for little ones. This year, I would imagine there was far less interest in making light of the Plagues.

*From Creator: Cheryl Rosen (

Date (Dublin Core)

March 22, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Cheryl Rosen

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Travis Seifman

Type (Dublin Core)

Facebook post

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Religion
English Home & Family Life

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

Ten Plagues
family gatherings

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