
What Happens When a 5-Year-Old in ICE Detention Is Considered a Coronavirus Risk

Title (Dublin Core)

What Happens When a 5-Year-Old in ICE Detention Is Considered a Coronavirus Risk

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Description (Dublin Core)

People in ICE (US's Immigration and Customs Enforcement) detention centers are unable to social distance, and there is also not much transparency about what goes on inside them with regard to the safety of the people incarcerated. This article by Fernanda Echavarri describes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people incarcerated in ICE detention centers, in particular the case of a five year old girl incarcerated in Pennsylvania. Berks Family Residential Center, which ‘has been criticized for its unsafe and unsanitary conditions and for the lack of proper medical care,’ was detaining 39 people, or 14 families with children as young as six months old as of March 28th, and had not released them despite complaints.

Date (Dublin Core)

March 28, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Fernanda Echavarri

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Rachel Sheehan

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

Type (Dublin Core)


Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Publisher (Dublin Core)

Mother Jones

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--Universities
English Conflict
English Emotion
English Government Federal
English Immigration
English News coverage
English Social Issues

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