
Supermarkets attempt to help elderly


Title (Dublin Core)

Supermarkets attempt to help elderly

Description (Dublin Core)

Text box describing Senior Hour Policy at supermarkets

Date (Dublin Core)

May 26, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)


Contributor (Dublin Core)


Type (Dublin Core)

text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Community & Community Organizations
English Consumer Culture (shopping, dining...)
English Health & Wellness
English Social Issues

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

senior hour
senior time
food shortage

Collection (Dublin Core)

Over 60

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Text (Omeka Classic)

Since COVID 19 is now understood to severely affect the immunocompromised (those with preexisting respiratory issues) and the elderly, some supermarkets have opened specific hours in which only citizens over the age of 60 will be allowed in the store. Supermarkets maintain the right to block entrance for anyone who does not fit this criteria during specialized hours. Hours for elderly shopping seem to be the early hours of the morning (6am-7:30am) when the shelves should be fully stocked for the citizens who are most vulnerable. This new advancement came about when younger people and healthy individuals who would likely not be severely affected by COVID 19 raided supermarkets leaving aisles such as toilet paper/paper products, pastas, canned goods, and meats bare. Therefore, the elderly and the immunocompromised (those who are highly advised to stock up on food and necessities and to stay in their homes for the next 2 weeks) did not have access to the goods they needed the most.

Accrual Method (Dublin Core)


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