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Kehilat Nitzan
Jewish Melbourne: Kehilat Nitzan online arrangements for High Holydays
These emails were sent to members of Kehilat Nitzan who registered to attend High Holyday services through the synagogue, providing information about how to stream the services: where to find the livestream and how to ensure a kosher livestream. -
Jewish Melbourne: Kehilat Nitzan email newsletter 4 October
This Rosh Hashanah e-newsletter provides updates on the synagogue and what they have been doing to prepare themselves and the community for an online Rosh Hashanah. It also provides details of other events that have occurred within the synagogue community. -
Jewish Melbourne: Kehilat Nitzan Sukkot singalong
Kehilat Nitzan held an online 'special Succot singalong', and emailed their members inviting along -
Jewish Melbourne: online services at Kehilat Nitzan
During lockdown Kehilat Nitzan ran synagogue services online, through youtube and zoom. They provided congregants with instructions about how to access these services in a kosher manner. -
Jewish Melbourne: Kehilat Nitzan congregating protocols
For a brief moment in May, lockdown was lifted across Victoria and synagogues could have small gatherings of people. Kehilat Nitzan released details of their protocols for attending services. -
Jewish Melbourne: 'High Holy Day Services in the shadow of Covid'
Newspaper article by Rabbi Yonatan Sadoff (from Kehilat Nitzan) in the Australian Jewish News, 7 August 2020. -
Kehilat Nitzan Services
Jewish Melbourne