Tag is exactly
Jewish Melbourne: ZFA Facebook post - Morrison and Netanyahu speaking about Covid
"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - בנימין נתניהו, today, spoke by telephone with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison (ScoMo). The two discussed ways to deal with the coronavirus and the effectiveness of the use of lockdowns in dealing with the second wave of the spread of the virus. Prime Minister Netanyahu complimented his counterpart on the success of the lockdown in Victoria and said that Israel is starting to see preliminary results in wake of the lockdown even though the rate of morbidity is still high." -
Jewish Melbourne: Caulfield Shule Rosh Hashanah online
While synagogues were closed under lockdown for Rosh Hashanah, Caulfield Shule provided a 'Rosh Hashanah highlights' service online before Rosh Hashanah started, as well as a standalone video of the Chazzan singing a "Rosh Hashanah Highlights Medley" with a choir in Israel -
Jewish Melbourne: Caulfield Shule Avinu Malkeinu
Caulfield Shule was locked down and unable to hold a Yom Kippur service in person, so as part of their online content they posted a video of "Chazan Dov Farkas and Kolot Min Hashamayim singing Avinu Malkeinu. Dov was recorded in Melbourne, the choir recorded in Israel, which was all blended together with the help of technology!" -
keep our grandma safe
While some of my relatives live in Australia, most of my family is in Israel, which is doing really bad covid-wise. We keep in touch via a What'sApp family groupchat. However, over the last few weeks, the groupchat had become a site of conflict. We in Australia, on one hand, take the virus very seriously and have favourable attitudes towards lockdown and face masks. My relatives in Israel, on the other hand, see it as a prelude to dictatorship. They also subscribe to all sorts of covid conspiracy theories that undermine their faith in public action. Although usually their opinions are tolerated, covid has really fleshed out our ideological differences to an irreconcilable point. The other week, my cousin in Israel showed up to my grandmother’s house with her friends. This caused a backlash here in Australia among relatives who were concerned for my grandmother’s safety. After quite a public and vicious argument on the What’sApp groupchat my grandmother eventually stepped in to defuse the tensions. As absurd as it sounds, I hope my relatives stay away from my grandmother. Their alternative views, which were once endearing and funny, can now claim her life. Ultimately, I would be powerless to stop them from here. -
keep our grandma safe
While some of my relatives live in Australia, most of my family is in Israel, which is doing really bad covid-wise. We keep in touch via a What'sApp family groupchat. However, over the last few weeks, the groupchat had become a site of conflict. We in Australia, on one hand, take the virus very seriously and have favourable attitudes towards lockdown and face masks. My relatives in Israel, on the other hand, see it as a prelude to dictatorship. They also subscribe to all sorts of covid conspiracy theories that undermine their faith in public action. Although usually their opinions are tolerated, covid has really flashed out our ideological differences to an irreconcilable point. The other week, my cousin in Israel showed up to my grandmother’s house with her friends. This caused a backlash here in Australia among relatives who were concerned for my grandmother’s safety. After quite a public and vicious argument on the What’sApp groupchat my grandmother eventually stepped in to defuse the tensions. As absurd as it sounds, I hope my relatives stay away from my grandmother. Their alternative views, which were once endearing and funny, can now claim her life. Ultimately, I would be powerless to stop them from here. -
Borders slamming shut - echoes of my parents conversations
As borders around the world were slamming shut, I organised for my daughter to return home from Israel very fast, experiencing the anxieties of my childhood overlaid with the stories of my parents .