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Jewish Melbourne: Rabbi Chaim Herzog of Chabad Melbourne distributes shmura matza during pandemic
In this photo Rabbi Chaim Herzog of Chabad of Melbourne is delivering shmura matzah to Claude Schwarz. In the period before Passover the custom is to receive hand baked shmura matza for the seder night. -
"Rabbinic Administrator of The Kashrut Authority, Rabbi Moshe D. Gutnick, advises the community that due to the urgent situation for so many in relation to the impact of the coronavirus, COVID-19, The Kashrut Authority is issuing a unique set of guidelines to assist with this difficult situation." They provide an outline of the new guidelines and a list of items that are Kosher for Passover, even if they do not have a hechsher, given the limits of the moment. They also provide guidelines for adequate Passover cleaning. -
Jewish Melbourne: 'COVID-90 special KA guidelines for Pesach 5780 – 2020'
Guidelines provided by Rabbinic Administrator of The Kashrut Authority, Rabbi Moshe D. Gutnick -
Jewish Melbourne: 'COVID-19: ABC’s Dr Norman Swan with a special message for the Australian Jewish community'
Produced by Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), this is a video of ABC's Dr Norman Swan with "a special message for the Australian Jewish community about social distancing – particularly with regard to Pesach." -
Jewish Melbourne: 'Australia's Jewish community is adapting Passover traditions in the time of coronavirus'
Article published on SBS News by Nadine Silva, with photos and a video, explaining the ways that different parts of the Jewish community adapted their Pesach to fit within Covid-safe guidelines -
Pesach across three continents and four cities
First night seder of Pesach took place on zoom with ten different extended families from across the globe. Whilst it was chaos to the max, it was actually one of the most fun-filled interactive seders I have ever experienced. -
Jewish Melbourne Passover 2020
Missing the Seder with friends...the story, songs, prayers, food and children squirming waiting for dinner. -
Humans of Covid-19 AU: Gersh Lazarow
“Pretty early we shutdown the synagogue, and my family and I made the decision to go into isolation, as I am immune-compromised due to recovering from cancer. Since then we have been lucky to be able to launch a virtual congregation, and that’s been quite amazing. We have daily activities, prayer services and events. We are finding that people are engaging in our program now more than ever before because they are looking for content and, in isolation, are recognising the beauty that community brings to their lives. Things have been brought from the periphery to the centre of our consciousness, including the importance of relationships, value of community, sense of connectedness - many things that we take for granted until they are taken away. As a rabbi, my tradition is a great source of comfort to me, inspiring me to find paths to continue, rather than to stop Jewish life, just as past leaders have done over our long 4,000 year history. The synagogue may be shut, but our community never closes. We accept the need for social distancing but reject any possibility for social isolation. This year we added a paper clip to the Passover seder plate as a symbol of life right now. COVID-19 has required from us immense flexibility: the ability to bend and turn, but like the paper clip, the capacity to hold us together. The colour of the traditional paper clip, silver, is also symbolic, representing that even in this chaos there are silver linings, such as time, awakenings, valuable lessons, great blessings.” Instagram post on Gersh Lazarow, Rabbi, and his experience during the pandemic, which was created by a psychology student living in Melbourne who was interested to hear about how COVID-19 was impacting on different peoples’ lives.