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Jewish Melbourne: UJEB Hebrew Immersion Program online
"Our Hebrew Immersion Program (HIP) is up and running online for term 4 at 5 primary schools. We had some great feedback from parents at the end of last term: “I’ve actually been amazed how engaging each lesson has been. Our daughter loves learning Hebrew with you. Thank you for making it fun. She is learning so much!” (Andrew P, parent of 2020 grade 1 HIP student at Caulfield South Primary). Pictured is a Caulfield South HIP student receiving an award for "wonderful ongoing participation in Hebrew class" at their Rosh Hashana Zoom assembly from Coordinator Shira Golombick and teacher Sigal. To find out more or sign up for one of our HIP programs visit" -
Jewish Melbourne: ' Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) Pesach Guidelines regarding Covid-19 Situation compiled in consultation with the Melbourne Beth Din'
This provides the Rabbinical Council of Victoria Guidelines for Covid-19 and Pesach, under a number of sections: Inviting guests for Yom Tov; Use of ZOOM for Pesach Seder; Yahrzeit Commemoration; Reaching out to the Vulnerable; Tzedaka – Charity