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Jewish Melbourne: NCJWA (Vic) Covid taskforce response on child safety
Information provided by NCJWA (Vic) to provide advise to community members on ensuring child safety during pandemic times. -
Grandpa & Gracie
I’ve missed my Grandpa terribly, but we’ve able to bond during the pandemic through a continuous email exchange concerning my dog. I’ll send him photos, and he’ll help me conspire ways to keep her safe from falling in our pool. We’ve been able to connect through our shared love of Gracie, even though we haven’t seen him or my Grandma for months. It’s been one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve had in this plague year, especially because Grandpa is mostly deaf and can’t communicate well in person. It’s interesting how technology (and Gracie!) have facilitated connection between us. For a nonagenarian, he’s probably more proficient with technology than I am! -
Jewish Melbourne: CSG encourages people to stay home for Yom Kippur
Because Melbourne was locked-down over Yom Kippur, the Community Security Group (CSG) posted on facebook encouraging people to stay home and "Wishing you a meaningful and easy fast. G'mar Chatima Tova." -
Jewish Melbourne: Australian Jewish community management of COVID-19 pandemic – National Bulletin #3
In the lead-up to Pesach, this update provides a summary of "the current status of Jewish community life in each State and Territory". It begins: "Jewish community organisations and leaders across Australia continue their efforts to manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Jewish institutions, families, individuals and, most especially, the elderly and vulnerable. We recognise with deep appreciation the continuing work being done by the Jewish community roof bodies in each State, the Crisis Management Teams of the Community Security Groups, shules, the Day Schools, the aged care sector, the welfare sector and volunteers, and commend them for the high sense of responsibility they have demonstrated. With the approach of Pesach, when families typically gather to celebrate the Seder, many individuals and families will be feeling the effects of physical isolation from relatives and friends. Perhaps in the future we will look back upon these times and appreciate all the more the joy of being able to celebrate Pesach with family and friends, and have all the more compassion for those who have nowhere to go on Seder night, and are all alone." -
keep our grandma safe
While some of my relatives live in Australia, most of my family is in Israel, which is doing really bad covid-wise. We keep in touch via a What'sApp family groupchat. However, over the last few weeks, the groupchat had become a site of conflict. We in Australia, on one hand, take the virus very seriously and have favourable attitudes towards lockdown and face masks. My relatives in Israel, on the other hand, see it as a prelude to dictatorship. They also subscribe to all sorts of covid conspiracy theories that undermine their faith in public action. Although usually their opinions are tolerated, covid has really flashed out our ideological differences to an irreconcilable point. The other week, my cousin in Israel showed up to my grandmother’s house with her friends. This caused a backlash here in Australia among relatives who were concerned for my grandmother’s safety. After quite a public and vicious argument on the What’sApp groupchat my grandmother eventually stepped in to defuse the tensions. As absurd as it sounds, I hope my relatives stay away from my grandmother. Their alternative views, which were once endearing and funny, can now claim her life. Ultimately, I would be powerless to stop them from here. -
Article for The Foundation for Young Australians: Social Distancing in a Share House
'Social Distancing in a Share House' is an article I wrote for The Foundation for Young Australians about how to minimise the risk of contagion while living in a shared house and be thoughtful about sharing space with others during these stressful times. The article followed discussions with my housemates where we were unclear on how to keep everyone safe while maintaining autonomy and/or continuing with essential work. -
#KeepOurMobSafe Campaign
The Australian Government has launched a campaign to #keepourmobsafe. This image is of a screenshot of an ad for the campaign, which the government is using to educate Indigenous Australians of the risk of Covid-19. The ads appear to be targeting Indigenous Australians living in remote communities, giving them tips on how to stop the spread of Covid-19. The campaign utilises indigenous artwork and slang to appear 'relatable'. -
Car Service details
Extra precautions not normally required -
Guarding the Travelodge
Police and Military personnel guard the Travelodge Hotel in Surry Hills, NSW, Australia. At the start of the lockdown due to COVID19, travellers returning to Australia were subject to mandatory quarantine for 14 days and were assigned hotels. They were isolated in rooms and police and army personnel guarded the premises around the clock. -
Notice on the front of the Savoy Cafe, Ballarat, Australia, during lockdown.
An image of a closed business in my home town during the lockdown. -
Salvation Army Op Shop, Ballarat, closed
Shows a notice on the front of a closed down business, Ballarat, Australia -
Closed shop in Ballarat Linen and Living Homewares
Image of notice on closed business