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virtual service
Jewish Melbourne: Kehilat Kolenu Pesach drash
Pesach in 2020/5780 came at the beginning of Melbourne's lockdown, and services were held online. Tal Cohen delivered a drash during Kehilat Kolenu's services. -
Jewish Melbourne: Kehilat Kolenu Rosh Hashanah drash
Kehilat Kolenu had an online service for Rosh Hashanah, due to Melbourne's lockdown, and Leah Justin delivered the drash -
Jewish Melbourne: Kehilat Kolenu Kol Nidre drash
Kehilat Kolenu ran services online for the High Holy Days, and shared the drash that was delivered by Alice Chipkin for Kol Nidre -
Jewish Melbourne: Rabbi Ralph Genende for Rosh Hashanah
For Rosh Hashanah, Caulfield Shule's Rabbi Ralph Genende pre-recorded a sermon and a short video celebrating apples and honey -
Jewish Melbourne: Caulfield Shule Yom Kippur online services
Due to the lockdown, Caulfield Shule was unable to have a Yom Kippur service. Instead, they pre-recorded abridged Kol Nidre and Yizkor services, and livestreamed an abridged Neilah service after Yom Kippur had ended. -
Jewish Melbourne: Caulfield Shule Pre-Shmini Atzeret “Abridged Yizkor Service”
"Go online with Caulfield Shule's Rabbi Ralph and Chazzan Dov Farkas this Yom Tov for a Pre-Shmini Atzeret “Abridged Yizkor Service” Thursday Night, 8th of October, 8.00–8.20pm" -
Jewish Melbourne: TBI Pesach Seder
On 9 April 2020, Temple Beth Israel streamed a Pesach seder, which was lead by Cantor Laloum