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Jewish Melbourne: Kehilat Kolenu website
Kehilat Kolenu moved their services online. This screenshot of their website on 8 October 2020 provides a sense of what they were doing during Melbourne's lockdown. -
Jewish Melbourne: Chabad Kingston & Moorabbin newsletter 25 September
In this newsletter from Chabad Kingston & Moorabbin shul, they discuss the upcoming holiday of Yom Kippur and provide details of virtual events which will bring the community together in the lead-up. -
Jewish Melbourne: Chabad Kingston & Moorabbin newsletter 28 August
Email newsletter from Chabad Kingston & Moorabbin Shul, which discusses upcoming preparations for Rosh Hashanah and how to prepare under lockdown. Also lists upcoming online events -
Jewish Melbourne: Chabad Kingston & Moorabbin newsletter 4 September 2020
Newsletter from Chabad Kingston & Moorabbin Shul to their community, providing details of synagogue events, during this time of lockdown. It includes information about connecting over the High Holy Days -
Jewish Melbourne: St Kilda Hebrew Congregation newsletter update 10 July
St Kilda Hebrew Congregation provides an email update to their congregation, sharing a message from the Rabbi about lockdown, as well as information about observing yahrzeit and saying kaddish while locked down. -
Jewish Melbourne: St Kilda Hebrew Congregation newsletter update 31 July
St Kilda Hebrew Congregation provided an email newsletter update, discussing Tisha B'Av, as well as other arrangements and events during Covid. -
Jewish Melbourne: St Kilda Hebrew Congregation newsletter update 2 October
St Kilda Hebrew Congregation, in their newsletter of 2 October, provided congregants with a general update as well as information about arrangements for Sukkot -
Jewish Melbourne: St Kilda Hebrew Congregation newsletter update 26 June
In this newsletter update, information is provided about online activities within the Congregation's community, including about a special event that took place that discussed mask-wearing for Covid-19, with Dr Norman Swan. -
Jewish Melbourne: online services at Kehilat Nitzan
During lockdown Kehilat Nitzan ran synagogue services online, through youtube and zoom. They provided congregants with instructions about how to access these services in a kosher manner. -
Jewish Melbourne: Rabbinical Council of Victoria Pesach guidelines
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria, working with the Melbourne Beth Din, produced guidelines for Pesach during Covid-19. Information is provided on inviting guests, using Zoom for the seder, 'Reaching out to the Vulnerable,' and giving tzedakah -
Jewish Melbourne: Project High Holy Days Selichot
The Rabbinical Council of Victoria's Project High Holy Days organised an online Selichot gathering involving many congregations -
Jewish Melbourne: Project High Holy Days shofar blowing
For Rosh Hashanah 2020, Project High Holy Days coordinated with DHHS and the Police and organised for people to hear the shofar being blown on their street or outside their home on Second Day Rosh Hashanah. They put out a call for people to sign up to hear the shofar and then coordinated shofar blowers. As they explained: "Volunteer Shofar blowers have been allocated zones which comprise of a few streets (which they will walk up and down). In locations where Jewish population is more sparse and there were fewer volunteers available, the DHHS has created a protocol for creating shofar blowing central points. Like the home reservations, these points require registration and have specific time locations. Times of volunteers arriving in your area will be emailed to you (if you reserved). If you did not book a shofar blowing, please listen out for the shofar and come out to the street as the shofar blower will blow multiple times on each street." -
Jewish Melbourne - Stand Up zoom event
On 19 June 2020 there was a Stand Up zoom event, streamed live to their Facebook page. This screenshot and Facebook link captures part of the day: "With Stand Up's CEO, Manager of Aboriginal Partnerships and a member of the Board, discussing life, social justice and everything in between. PS. Gideon (CEO) has been on zoom for 8 hours non-stop!" -
Jewish Melbourne: Jewish Museum of Australia's emails about online events
With the Covid lockdown in Melbourne, the Jewish Museum of Australia had to close its doors to visitors. In response, they moved activities online, organising events to be held virtually. These events were shared with members of the Museum community through their email list. -
Event commemorating Cuba-Venezuela Relations and the passing of Hugo Chavez, Havana, Cuba
HIST30060 -
Presenting a speech for the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society (social activist group), via Zoom - commemoration of 26th of July Revolutionary movement
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Celebrating my 21st, Covid-style
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Black/Indigenous Lives Matter Protest, Melbourne, Australia
HIST30060 -
Jewish Melbourne: The Plague Year Hypertext Haggadah
An interactive hypertext haggadah I wrote for my family’s Zoom seder in 2020. I used Twine, a popular open-source, interactive fiction tool, to write a choose-your-own-adventure haggadah. It was the first zoom-based seder I had ever attended, and I didn't know how long my family would tolerate technological difficulties and the often awkward, fragmented conversation that some Zoom conversations/events can descend into. (Let alone the near-impossibility of group singing via zoom). Apart from this, it’s fairly common in my family, as in many others, that parts of the seder are skipped over, or their inclusion is contested, and I thought that trying to conduct a seder via zoom would only make people more eager to get it over with and reach Shulchan Orech, i.e. the getting drunk/ shittalking part and then call it a night. Writing/Compiling a hypertext haggadah was my attempt to facilitate a more fluid seder, in which parts could easily be skipped over on the night, among other reasons. In practice in turned out to be a bit of a shemozzle, which is partly due to some technological illiteracy among the mishpachah, and also partly because my hypertext haggadah is a rabbit warren (over 5,000 words spread over over hundreds of individual pages joined by hyperlinks), and so moments of anarchy would often ensue when people strayed from the communal path (which I enjoyed tbh, but were clearly frustrating to my uncle, whose ideal seder is basically the Two-Minute Haggadah: -
Jewish Melbourne: Chevra Hatzolah 'Beyond the Crisis' fundraiser
Facebook post thanking people for their contribution to the Chevra Hatzolah 'Beyond the Crisis' fundraiser. The post says: "During the Pandemic, Hatzolah’s focus has been directed at continuing our emergency response, Responder and patient safety, and community education through online media. Working together with community groups such as the Covid-19 Taskforce, CSG and Ambulance Victoria, keeping our community safe was the primary objective. However we also incurred huge expenses and needed to replenish funds used to purchase large volumes of expensive PPE, and still have enough for us to emerge and grow Beyond the Crisis. All of us at Hatzolah Melbourne have been humbled by the outpouring of moral and financial support during the “Beyond the Crisis” campaign, and express our sincere thanks to the community. In spite of the financial strains being felt across the board, the community has shown us incredible support and we are extremely grateful. We wish everyone good health, and look forward to continuing to serve the community, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week." -
Jewish Melbourne: Chabad Kingston resources for Pesach
L'Chaim Chabad Kingston assembled a website of resources for Pesach 2020, providing information for congregants: "As Jewish people around the world prepare for Passover under the pale of coronavirus, we are faced with a host of new challenges and questions. How are we to prepare with minimal ingredients and limited access to communal resources? How to celebrate the Seder alone? How will we celebrate the Festival of Freedom with our movement restricted? Find answers to all this and more ..." -
Jewish Melbourne: 'Zooming in on Pesach'
Newspaper article by Rebecca Davis and Sophie Deutsch, published in the Australian Jewish News, explaining that "Religious organisations are reminding the community that they must not allow visitors into their homes for seders this Pesach, noting “these measures are about saving lives”." -
Jewish Melbourne: TBI Pesach Seder
On 9 April 2020, Temple Beth Israel streamed a Pesach seder, which was lead by Cantor Laloum -
Jewish Melbourne: 'High Holy Day Services in the shadow of Covid'
Newspaper article by Rabbi Yonatan Sadoff (from Kehilat Nitzan) in the Australian Jewish News, 7 August 2020. -
Jewish Melbourne: South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation Pesach Reflections
On 14 April 2020, Rabbi Daniel Rabin from South Caulfield Hebrew Congregation recorded a livestream from the shul with "Some reflections pre last days of Pesach and Yizkor on Thursday." This video was streamed to facebook, where it remains. -
Jewish Melbourne: article in The Age - "Preparations under way for Jewish New Year - without synagogues and big dinners"
This is a newspaper article by Carolyn Webb and Hannah Schauder, published in The Age on September 14, 2020, entitled "Preparations under way for Jewish New Year - without synagogues and big dinners". It covers what different rabbis and synagogues are doing for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur -
Jewish Melbourne: Solidarity Seder
On Saturday 11 April 2020, a group of Jews from across Australia gathered together on zoom for a 'Solidarity seder'. Organised by people from Here, Queer, and Jewish Australia, Sydney Left Jews, Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS), Fully Automated Luxury Kosher Space Kibbutz and Jews against Fascism, this seder raised money for undocumented migrants as well as Grandmothers Against Removals. Approximately 60 people gathered together, reading through the haggadah together, sharing a meal, and sharing ideas about what Jewish life and possibility looked like in that moment. Everyone agreed that this was a unique and special Jewish space. -
Jewish Melbourne: Jewish Holocaust Centre's AGM
On 23 June 2020 the Jewish Holocaust Centre in Melbourne held their AGM. In their announcement of the AGM they told members "In light of the COVID restrictions, admission to the AGM is by registration only to ensure we comply with Government restrictions and maintain safe distancing." The photos from the AGM show people gathered together, but sitting at a safe distance from each other. -
Jewish Melbourne: "Happy Birthday Opa"
This article appeared in The Weekend Australian Magazine, marking the 99th birthday of Max Arnott, a Dunera Boy, which happened in May, under Melbourne's lockdown. Max's granddaughter, Zoe Arnott, took a photo of three of her children outside Max's gate, celebrating his birthday. -
Kehilat Nitzan Services
Jewish Melbourne -
East Melbourne Synagogue Schedule of Services
Jewish Melbourne -
Chabad House Glen Eira What is Shabbat Page
Jewish Melbourne -
Kehilat Kolenu Online Shabbat Events
Jewish Melbourne -
A very different Pesach
Pesach 2020: This night that is different from all other nights is going to be even more different this year. -
Pesakh in lockdown
Pesakh was going to be a large family event. We had people coming from London, Canberra, Sydney and of course, Melbourne. Then the pandemic hit. No-one could travel, and we were not allowed any visitors in our house. So, we set up a zoom Seyder. We had members of the family join Zoom from London, Lund (Sweden), Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. It was a huge success. -
The National Council of Jewish Women of Australia Victoria (NCJWA Vic) was established 93 years ago with the vision of creating a better world for women. Our mission, is to support women at key points across the life cycle, advance their status and promote social cohesion and human rights. NCJWA Vic rolled into crisis management determined to continue our mission to support women and girls during this difficult time. Strong and decisive action was taken to keep our people safe and continue serving our community. We quickly adapted most of our program, while participants were incredibly grateful for our continued support, illuminating the need and value of social connection for mental wellbeing throughout our lives, even more so during such a crisis. -
The Jam Project - Powered by NCJWA Vic
The Jam Project is a teenage - buddy program matching participants aged 14-16 years with a female 'buddy' aged 21-28, with the goal of promoting the empowerment of girls, while helping to build their sense of self-worth, self-belief and autonomy. This is achieved through secure and reliable fortnightly catch ups, between the buddy and participant for up to a period of a year. Together with group sessions, the participants and buddies come together and are involved in activities that enhance their mindset and promote their curiosity, resilience and autonomy. Due to COVID-19, NCJWA Vic took steps to adapt the Jam Project in this difficult time. Our priority is to maintain our objectives and values through these adaptations. -
Socially Distanced Birthday
My birthday fell just before the height of the pandemic. While staying at home was not yet mandatory, social distancing was starting to be brought in. Luckily, some of my amazing friends dropped off this birthday present and left it outside my door. -
Falls Festival social media post
HUM402 This is a screenshot of Australian music festival, Falls Festival, announcing to their followers that they are endeavoring to put on the festival at the end of the year, as per usual -
Tasmanian premier clears Easter Bunny to enter the state
HUM402 A light-hearted gesture to combat all of the negative news and loss of a traditional Easter holiday for many. Even though travel was prohibited, Easter egg hunts were still something to be looked forward to. -
First zoom birthday party
One of my son's classmates turned 5. We were invited to make cupcakes and zoom into a celebration - it felt poignant, and incomplete. -
2020 Melbourne International Film Festival Cancelled
Announcement of cancellation of the 2020 Melbourne International Film Festival due to the pandemic -
"Catch a Carp" postponed
Postponement of Fishcare event to remove introduced carp from local river system -
Letterbox art #2: Easter message
Easter message in letterbox art -
Concert rescheduled to 2021
Our Billy Bragg concert on 7 May 2020 has been confidently rescheduled – to 12 February 2021! -
Interview about the project
Radio interview by host Jacinta Parsons with Professor Andy May from the University of Melbourne about 'A Journal of the Plague Year' project. -
Instagram post - The Networking Dog 23 March 2020
On Sunday 22 March I received the following message from the University's Vice Chancellor, "If you need to come to campus to collect anything essential to continue to teach online or work remotely you must do so before 5pm tomorrow, Monday 23 March." On Monday I posted this image to alert the community of researchers who use our facility that we would be closed until further notice. This poster designed again by Alex Stitt, a brilliant graphic designer, illustrator and social commentator, dates from 1997, and its message is relevant today. This week I have begun to work remotely and attended online training sessions Microsoft Teams 101, and Video Conferencing on Skype and Microsoft Teams. -
RMIT Design Archives Instagram Post 18 March 2020 Cancellation of Melbourne Design Week events
On the week beginning Monday 16 March cultural organisations across Victoria began to make the difficult decision to close their doors to the public as a precautionary measure. In terms of the RDA, our programs for Melbourne Design Week, the Australian Heritage Festival, and Melbourne Rare Books Week were postponed until further notice. One of the themes of Melbourne Design Week was Communication Design and Health Promotion. The 'Life Be In It' poster designed by Alex Stitt seemed pertinent to the unfolding situation where potentially people might not be able to participate in physical activity outside of their homes. My gym closed last week!