
What I think of how covid began

Title (Dublin Core)

What I think of how covid began

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they say the virus came from biological warfare, but that is impossible cause a virus cannot be bred, and people could tell if it was artificial, so that means that this virus either evolved from a different covid, or lung virus and adapted to the vaccines, or it was a virus that was originally from a different species and got on a human and evolved over a long time.
However, the first option means that vaccines are quickly being evolved and adapted over because of overuse and that other viruses could follow, and the second means that viruses evolve faster than we think and exotic animals are dangerous in regards to their sicknesses and viruses.

Date (Dublin Core)

January 11, 2021

Creator (Dublin Core)

Aaron Miao

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Aaron Miao

Partner (Dublin Core)

Oaks Christian Middle School

Type (Dublin Core)

text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Science
English Public Health & Hospitals
English Animals

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

exotic animal

Linked Data (Dublin Core)

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Date Modified (Dublin Core)


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This item was submitted on January 11, 2021 by Aaron Miao using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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