
virtual learning experience

Title (Dublin Core)

virtual learning experience

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Description (Dublin Core)

My experience with virtual learning wasn't so terrible but still not good, i couldn't leave the house making it so i couldn't talk to my friends, plus, its on computer which is greatly distracting. During quarantine, i was in the house so long that my eyes hurt when stepping outside. But other than that it was ok, its not like we were starved or sensory deprived.

Date (Dublin Core)

January 14, 2021

Creator (Dublin Core)

Aaron Miao

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Aaron Miao

Partner (Dublin Core)

Oaks Christian Middle School

Type (Dublin Core)

virtual learning

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Education--K12
English Online Learning
English Emotion

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

not good
cannot see friends
stay home
eye hurt

Collection (Dublin Core)


Linked Data (Dublin Core)

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


Item sets

This item was submitted on January 14, 2021 by Aaron Miao using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

Click here to view the collected data.

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