
remote learning


Title (Dublin Core)

remote learning

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Learning virtual was ok. There were good things about it and bad things. a good thing was I didn’t need to drive to school which gave me an extra 25min. also after school a didn’t need to drive home so I could just run out and surf with the kids in my naborhood. A problem withit though it after stairing at the screen all day my head always felt bad. A normal day of online school was I wake up at 7:00 unlike when I used to wake up at 6:00. I didn’t need to pack up my stuff for online school I could get ready faster. Then I would have a bowl of cearea. And then take a shower and hop on zome on zoom I sometimes had a little more food while in class. After class I didn’t usally have home work which was good because I didn’t need to be on the computer any longer. I am glad we are back at school

Date (Dublin Core)

January 28, 2021

Creator (Dublin Core)

Emmett Mitchell

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Emmett Mitchell

Partner (Dublin Core)

Oaks Christian Middle School

Type (Dublin Core)

text story

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Online Learning
English Social Distance
English Education--K12

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

online learning
extra time

Collection (Dublin Core)


Linked Data (Dublin Core)

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This item was submitted on January 28, 2021 by Emmett Mitchell using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

Click here to view the collected data.

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