Legendary Guard Adapts to COVID-19
Title (Dublin Core)
Legendary Guard Adapts to COVID-19
Description (Dublin Core)
Clipped from the May 15, 2020, volume 155, 10th issue of the Catholic Advance, this photo shows how the Vatican's Swiss Guards have had to adjust to COVID-19's presence. On top of wearing masks while on duty, the Guard rescheduled their induction ceremony to October; a rite of passage that normally occurs on May 6 and coincides with the anniversary of their famous 1527 last stand to defend Pope Clement VII. While the Swiss Guard fought a mutinous foe hand-to-hand nearly 500 years ago, this unseen enemy can only be combated through masks, crowd control, and strict social distancing.
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Source (Dublin Core)
Catholic News Service
Publisher (Dublin Core)
Catholic Advance
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
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This item was submitted on June 2, 2020 by Aaron Peterka using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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