
Some Churches Open...And Others Stay Closed

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Some Churches Open...And Others Stay Closed

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Since the lock down, some churches in Kansas had filed lawsuits against the governor and her administration's orders to restrict large public gatherings and advocate social distancing. With those orders largely removed as a result of a compromise package agreed to by the governor and the GOP-led legislature, many churches reopened without restrictions of any kind. These photographs prove that the converse was also a reality, with other churches, like this one in west Wichita, opting to remain virtual, especially as the virus surged across the state in the summer of 2020. Without video conference and social media technology, such religious gatherings would have proved impossible.

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This item was submitted on July 16, 2020 by Aaron Peterka using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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