
Protesters chained to governor's home as prison deaths mount

Title (Dublin Core)

Protesters chained to governor's home as prison deaths mount

Description (Dublin Core)

In an effort to urge the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, to release people incarcerated at the state's prisons and jails, and stop immigration transfers, protestors chained themselves to the fence outside the governors home. The fourteen protestors were wearing surgical masks and face shields to protect from the spread of the coronavirus. The protest was organized by the California Liberation Collective. The fourteen protestors that chained themselves to the fence were accompanied by many others calling for action in light of the continued death toll the virus is having on incarcerated populations, particularly at San Quentin Prison.

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The Associated Press

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This item was submitted on July 28, 2020 by Chris Twing using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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