
American News reporting on Wuhan ends its 76-day lockdown

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American News reporting on Wuhan ends its 76-day lockdown

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After I heard from my parents and few relatives back in China about Wuhan’s lock down ended and other provinces in China began to resume normal life, I was interested in how American news will react. Most of the news I found were irrational. This one, however (AP News, wrote by Sam McNeil on April 7, 2020) both recognizes the success of lockdown by Chinese government, and still maintains its critical views in a certain way.For these past few weeks, it is so frustrating to hear and see many arguments from both Americans and Chineses about how bad each other is, and still maintain a neutral position as a Chinese student in the U.S. Sometimes I always feel relieved to see news from the U.S. like this, which agrees with the Chinese method rather than keep insulting each other on who is right or wrong.

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