
Staying Home Does Not Equal Staying Healthy

Título (Dublin Core)

Staying Home Does Not Equal Staying Healthy

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Description (Dublin Core)

At college, I was taking a cycling class, going to yoga club twice a week, and walking at least four miles a day on a big campus. Now I’m home in a Brooklyn apartment and staying healthy is not an easy feat, not to mention the pandemic we’re currently living through means we can’t go outside unless we absolutely have to. In an effort to stay physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy in the hectic, uncertain time, I’ve developed a routine for myself to have something constant. There’s so much we can’t control right, we have to just get through it, but we can’t let ourselves deteriorate because then we’re in no condition to fight the virus and to rebuild society.

Date (Dublin Core)

March 25, 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Kailyn Alonso

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Kailyn Alonso

Event Identifier (Dublin Core)


Partner (Dublin Core)

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT)

Tipo (Dublin Core)


Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Health & Wellness
English Home & Family Life
English Emotion
English Social Issues
English Cities & Suburbs
English Education--Universities

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

New York
at-home workouts

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