Collected Item: “Tuolumne County outpaces Calaveras County in new COVID-19 cases”
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Tuolumne County outpaces Calaveras County in new COVID-19 cases
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news article
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The local newspaper reports on increasing COVID-19 cases in Tuolumne County as opposed to the neighboring Calaveras County. These communities are in rural California and Tuolumne County has a fairly large population of COVID-19 skeptics and deniers correlating with their largely republican voting habits. This article discusses how the county must remain under 53 cases over 2 weeks to not have more public spaces closed according to state standards. If trends remain as they are it could mean a return to a heavier lockdown for the county.
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#ruralvoices, Sonora, California, Tuolumne County, Calaveras County
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Alex MacLean
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