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Collected Item: “Movie Night Reunions During COVID-19”

Give your story a title.

Movie Night Reunions During COVID-19

What sort of object is this: text story, photograph, video, audio interview, screenshot, drawing, meme, etc.?


Tell us a story; share your experience. Describe what the object or story you've uploaded says about the pandemic, and/or why what you've submitted is important to you.

This photograph was taken during the first virtual reunion that several friends and I had during the very early months of the pandemic, just before Easter 2020. We hadn't seen in other in several months, and although we had become used to this after graduating from Fordham University in 2018 and moving to different parts of the country, it was becoming clear that we wouldn't be able to see each other in-person for longer than we had expected. We decided to try using Zoom to have a movie night and had a great time watching Moonstruck together. We were all feeling the weight of the uncertainty and fear that was hanging over so many at this point during the pandemic. Yet, as can be seen from the smiles on our faces, finding ways to stay in touch with those closest to us helped to ease that anxiety and allowed us to find something of a sense of normalcy. We didn't know how pervasive Zoom would become as the pandemic continued: this would be the first of many reunions held in this way.

Use one-word hashtags (separated by commas) to describe your story. For example: Where did it originate? How does this object make you feel? How does this object relate to the pandemic?

#friends #virtualreunion

Who originally created this object? (If you created this object, such as photo, then put "self" here.)

Bernadette Haig

Give this story a date.

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