Collected Item: “Anti-gay Hungarian MEP resigns after being found at a 25-man orgy”
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Anti-gay Hungarian MEP resigns after being found at a 25-man orgy
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I hate to be the one to perpetuate the closeted homophobe stereotype, however, how could you not talk about an anti-gay politician that was found with bloodied-form running from police and a 25-man orgy, violating social distancing laws, while on drugs? Sounds like an adult-comedy bit that would make a quarter of the audience give a light chuckle to the comedian on stage!
After this fiasco, they quickly resigned from their position as MEP in Hungary where he spent years writing bills and documents to actively harm the LGBTQ+ community.
After this fiasco, they quickly resigned from their position as MEP in Hungary where he spent years writing bills and documents to actively harm the LGBTQ+ community.
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