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Collected Item: “Collection of the most touching events in China,2020”

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Collection of the most touching events in China,2020

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Tiktok video

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2020 is not a year that we dreamed of. The cover of this video was people counting down the New Year in Wuhan, celebrating the year of 2020 is here. Then, the pandemic stoke. Reporter in live news cried because there was not a single car running in the street in Wuhan; a 23-year-old healthcare worker said she couldn’t cry because that will make her goggles misty and she won’t be able to see. Doctors cried because the president do their hospitals was exposed to COVID-19 and sacrificed. 2020 has been a year of heartbreaking. But, when there is love, there is hope. Together fighting the virus, Wuhan lifted the lockdown and families were reunited. The loving and caring from the society also showed in many other aspects; police man wished the students good luck with their college entry examine, a grandma bragging her flowers to her grandchildren through her security camera every morning. I couldn’t help but cried when watching this video. Like the subtitle in the end, “2020 has been a hard year, but thank you for showing your love and kindness.”

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