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Collected Item: “COVID: A Time of Many Rules”

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COVID: A Time of Many Rules

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Text story

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This is probably the aspect of COVID that has impacted me the most. No one in my family got COVID, and everyone I know that got it recovered very quickly. The first rule that impacted me was the shutting down of schools. I started online school, and it was a blessing and a curse. I loved some aspects of online school, but I still kind of missed in-person school. The second rule that impacted me was the social distancing. Every time I did have social interaction, I needed to stay 6 feet apart from everyone. I would also need to wear a mask every time I was around people. This made going to stores like Vons and Gelsons much more inconvienient. My least favorite rule was the mandatory lock-down. All of my favorite stores and restaurants closed. I wouldn't be able to go anywhere expect for a few places (grocery stores like Vons and Gelsons). Throughout the last year, the new rules and procedures of COVID have impacted me far greater than the virus itself, and hopefully it will stay that way.

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Will Simic

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