Week of April 20th
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Week of April 20th
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Week of April 20
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Week of April 20
Today seems like a very calm day after a week of craziness. I live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and our governor last Sunday night said he was going to open up the economy on Tuesday. This would mean tourists and visitors from all over coming and some of them bringing the virus with them. It would not take a prophet to know was going to have an adverse effect on the number of cases for everyone living in this area. Not good for men my age or anyone to be honest. The city council stepped in and voted 3-2 against opening public access to the beach or additional retail stores in the city of Myrtle Beach. I was very happy. When I found out how the members voted, I had voted for all three that cast the votes to keep everything closed right now. I guess elections do matter and it made me feel good.
It really is a beautiful day here today. The temp is about 73 with low humidity and almost no clouds. I’m going to try to practice gratitude the remainder of the day. I have so much to be grateful, my good health, my family, my friends (even though one is in the Trump cult, I think there is hope for him). A really friendly cat comes by every day and I give him some tuna. He’s missing an eye but is really friendly for a cat. He’ll follow me around like a doggie while I’m outside. I’m grateful my diet is still ok, even though I’ve put on a few pounds since this started. And I’m grateful for my sound mind, I can still think clearly and know bullshit when I see it. There is a lot of that going around. I am grateful I don’t miss sports. I am a big Cubs fan and I think they had a chance to win another World Series this year with their core group of players. They will have to trade a couple of these guys at the end of Ithe year and it’s gonna be sad to see Kris Bryant in a different uniform.
I don’t know why, but I miss my mom a lot today. She died 13 years ago and sometimes I can still hear her talking to me or singing. She was a great cook and anytime she cooked she would sing. She was born in 1918 and sang a lot of Civil War songs. It finally hit me she was really only 1 or 2 generations from the end of the war. One of the happiest days of my life was at a going out of business sale for a local record store years ago when I found a cd that had songs of the Civil War. And all of the songs from the South were on the cd. I finally made that connection.
I digressed today, but it’s where my head is.
Today seems like a very calm day after a week of craziness. I live in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina and our governor last Sunday night said he was going to open up the economy on Tuesday. This would mean tourists and visitors from all over coming and some of them bringing the virus with them. It would not take a prophet to know was going to have an adverse effect on the number of cases for everyone living in this area. Not good for men my age or anyone to be honest. The city council stepped in and voted 3-2 against opening public access to the beach or additional retail stores in the city of Myrtle Beach. I was very happy. When I found out how the members voted, I had voted for all three that cast the votes to keep everything closed right now. I guess elections do matter and it made me feel good.
It really is a beautiful day here today. The temp is about 73 with low humidity and almost no clouds. I’m going to try to practice gratitude the remainder of the day. I have so much to be grateful, my good health, my family, my friends (even though one is in the Trump cult, I think there is hope for him). A really friendly cat comes by every day and I give him some tuna. He’s missing an eye but is really friendly for a cat. He’ll follow me around like a doggie while I’m outside. I’m grateful my diet is still ok, even though I’ve put on a few pounds since this started. And I’m grateful for my sound mind, I can still think clearly and know bullshit when I see it. There is a lot of that going around. I am grateful I don’t miss sports. I am a big Cubs fan and I think they had a chance to win another World Series this year with their core group of players. They will have to trade a couple of these guys at the end of Ithe year and it’s gonna be sad to see Kris Bryant in a different uniform.
I don’t know why, but I miss my mom a lot today. She died 13 years ago and sometimes I can still hear her talking to me or singing. She was a great cook and anytime she cooked she would sing. She was born in 1918 and sang a lot of Civil War songs. It finally hit me she was really only 1 or 2 generations from the end of the war. One of the happiest days of my life was at a going out of business sale for a local record store years ago when I found a cd that had songs of the Civil War. And all of the songs from the South were on the cd. I finally made that connection.
I digressed today, but it’s where my head is.
Accrual Method (Dublin Core)