Social Distancing and 90 Day Fiance
Title (Dublin Core)
Social Distancing and 90 Day Fiance
Description (Dublin Core)
The quarentine has opened up the time for myself and my parents to binge watch the show 90 Day Fiance together. It has been a good way for us to get together, not get on each others nerves, and to take our minds off of the pandemic for a little bit. Recently the show has started a new small series where they have cast members vlog from home and discuss their experiences and how their lives have changed with the virus. It was interesting to so this kind of programming on cable. These days have been blurring together for a lot of us in my household, but having shows that post weekly helps orient myself to the day of week that it is.
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Type (Dublin Core)
TV Series
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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