My day inside
Title (Dublin Core)
My day inside
Description (Dublin Core)
I find time is hard to past by these days. My sleep schedule has changed
drastically ever since we were given stay at home orders. I usually start my day at
around 10 am and then end it by 3 am. The time in between is quite monotonous and I
am really looking forward to the orders being lifted. So my day starts and I grab
something to eat. I then login to my live lectures which are all day. I listen, or at least
try to, take notes, and then do some homework. Often now I have to re watch lectures to
understand the material since when I watch it live I am not really paying attention. I
then study and get ready for the day. I try my best to remain in contact with my friends
but it is not the same anymore. The only interaction I usually have is getting help on an
assignment or us figuring out how to complete a task that we have been assigned. Once
my classes are done I usually eat again and then try and exercise. Normally when I am
on campus I am able to get a lot of walking done, but now since we are inside, I need to
be active. So after I decide to exercise , I unwind a bit and then have dinner. Everyday I
have to make something since I do not want to get food from outside. Cooking has been
the one part that is different, since I try to make something new every day. I then eat and
study some more. I find myself productive for whatever reason that may be. Usually I
have to really try and focus to get work done because it is really distracting being at
home. Something about being at home just does not make me feel like working.
Nevertheless, I am able to study and continue to catch up on the material. This routine is
quite monotonous at this point. It has been roughly 8 weeks like this and it is starting to
get tiring. I know change to the stay at home orders is coming, and I can not wait for it.
I am thankful that my semester ends soon so that way there will be some change to my
routine. 8 weeks of the same thing every day is quite a drag on life and I look forward to
the changes. I really hope the Fall wont have a second wave leading to life like this
drastically ever since we were given stay at home orders. I usually start my day at
around 10 am and then end it by 3 am. The time in between is quite monotonous and I
am really looking forward to the orders being lifted. So my day starts and I grab
something to eat. I then login to my live lectures which are all day. I listen, or at least
try to, take notes, and then do some homework. Often now I have to re watch lectures to
understand the material since when I watch it live I am not really paying attention. I
then study and get ready for the day. I try my best to remain in contact with my friends
but it is not the same anymore. The only interaction I usually have is getting help on an
assignment or us figuring out how to complete a task that we have been assigned. Once
my classes are done I usually eat again and then try and exercise. Normally when I am
on campus I am able to get a lot of walking done, but now since we are inside, I need to
be active. So after I decide to exercise , I unwind a bit and then have dinner. Everyday I
have to make something since I do not want to get food from outside. Cooking has been
the one part that is different, since I try to make something new every day. I then eat and
study some more. I find myself productive for whatever reason that may be. Usually I
have to really try and focus to get work done because it is really distracting being at
home. Something about being at home just does not make me feel like working.
Nevertheless, I am able to study and continue to catch up on the material. This routine is
quite monotonous at this point. It has been roughly 8 weeks like this and it is starting to
get tiring. I know change to the stay at home orders is coming, and I can not wait for it.
I am thankful that my semester ends soon so that way there will be some change to my
routine. 8 weeks of the same thing every day is quite a drag on life and I look forward to
the changes. I really hope the Fall wont have a second wave leading to life like this
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Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)
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