
"Um... I wouldn't say my beliefs or faith have been changed in any way."


Title (Dublin Core)

"Um... I wouldn't say my beliefs or faith have been changed in any way."

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Description (Dublin Core)

"Um... I wouldn't say my beliefs or faith have been changed in any way. Um... the way that I practice my faith has been changed. So, instead of going to church every Sunday, we kinda watch online um but other than that I would say it's just as strong as before."

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

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Type (Dublin Core)

Oral History

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

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Curatorial Notes (Dublin Core)

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Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Speaker 2 discusses how COVID-19 affected their beliefs and participation in their religious community. They also talk about how their church is engaging in community service to help families impacted by COVID-19 by giving to foodbanks.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Speaker 1 0:00
How has COVID-19 affected your faith or beliefs?

Speaker 2 0:03
Um, I wouldn't say my beliefs or faith have been changed in any way. The way that I practice my religion has been changed. So instead of going to church every Sunday, we kind of watch online. But other than that, I would say it's just as strong as before.

Speaker 1 0:18
So, is your religious community still gathering currently, but you say you're just watching online, but how also has COVID-19 affected your participation in the religious community?

Speaker 2 0:29
So a lot of the participation has shifted to, it's moved from a more church oriented gathering and kind of worship space and where we go through a lot of traditions and rituals, and it's led by our pastors and bishops to a more of a personal at home kind of worship.

Speaker 1 0:47
Is your religious community supplying or engaged any kind of community service and attempt to help alleviate issues caused, caused by the pandemic? If so, what are those efforts?

Speaker 2 0:56
So, I know what-, I don't know what the United Methodist Church is doing as an organization, but my church personally, we are donating as much as we can to food banks to help families that have been affected by COVID-19. But at the same time, it's very difficult for a lot of Protestant churches to help out because no one's donating to the church anymore. So we're running low on funds. And I know for my church personally, we've donated our whole food pantry, so there's nothing left to give anyone else.

Speaker 1 1:25
That's good that you guys are still able to do that though. Okay, thank you for your time.

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