Lost of 2020
Title (Dublin Core)
Lost of 2020
Description (Dublin Core)
The image displayed is the COVID-19 virus. This pandemic has caused many conflicts within the economy and society. and overall ruining 2020. Personally, I was looking forward for the track and field 2020 season and just hearing it being cancelled when just beginning definitely pulled a nerve. Also, being unable to socially interact with friends, students, and teachers is quite odd considering being quarantined the majority of the time. Lastly, working out and getting exercise in is also quite challenging as most gyms are still closed where I live and how its hard to buy and find equipment around to use as everyone has that same mindset to find some weights to use.just causing stores to be sold out and emptied. That's how I feel about this pandemic and what it's done for me and others similar to me.
photograph of the pandemic and the problems the virus has caused throughout the whole world and how it can be hard to detect for signs.
Date (Dublin Core)
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Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Accrual Method (Dublin Core)