
Junior at Home

Title (Dublin Core)

Junior at Home

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This pandemic had completely changed my lifestyle, but I'm not complaining entirely. Yes, staying at home is difficult but it has made my relationship with my parents much better as we often spend more time with each other instead of being caught of with work, school, or other activities. It would definitely be nice to get out and not have to worry about our favorite restaurants being closed or simple errands. Being at home also changed the usual rigor of an AP student as courses, lessons, and projects have to accommodate "at-home-learning". Just really hoping my loved ones remain safe and that the pandemic would end soon so we could focus our attention on more pressing domestic issues. #BLM

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Screenshot: CNN

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This item was submitted on May 31, 2020 by Bryan Ho using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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