Tweets from Inside a Prison 6/21-6/27/2020 by Railroaded Underground
Title (Dublin Core)
Tweets from Inside a Prison 6/21-6/27/2020 by Railroaded Underground
Description (Dublin Core)
These images show the Tweets of an incarcerated person for one week. They started this Twitter account using a contraband cell phone to show the world what is happening inside the nation's correctional facilities during the covid pandemic. This week they are talking about immuno compromised individuals, racism, Father's Day, inmates having trouble breathing and dying while waiting for an ambulance, 23 hour a day lockdown which means no phone calls, though prisoners are paying $1000 for contraband cell phones being brought in by cops, and he questions the value of his life.
value of life, incarceration, prison, contraband, cell phone, death, breathing, ambulance
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This item was submitted on July 11, 2020 by Chris Twing using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
Click here to view the collected data.