Jewish Women in the Labor Movement
Title (Dublin Core)
Jewish Women in the Labor Movement
Description (Dublin Core)
This is an example of the types of virtual programs held by the New England Historic Genealogical Society. Based on the primary sources held at this institution, the society invited audiences to engage with the material virtually.
Date (Dublin Core)
Creator (Dublin Core)
Contributor (Dublin Core)
Type (Dublin Core)
screenshot from the American Ancestors website
Publisher (Dublin Core)
New England Historic Genealogical Society
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
Collection (Dublin Core)
Collecting Institution (Bibliographic Ontology)
New England Historic Genealogical Society
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
This item was submitted on July 29, 2020 by Hailey Philbin using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
Click here to view the collected data.