
Pandemic Pods? The Return of Schooling in America

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Pandemic Pods? The Return of Schooling in America

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This pandemic has opened the eyes of millions of Americans, including mine, when it came to questioning the necessity of a traditional schooling system. The bridge between political parties reflects various differing opinions on what parents feel the best way to re-enroll back their kids into school. The article I found interested me as it mentioned that families are looking into the idea of creating small groups with local children called “pods” which would help [pay for private tutors or teachers. However this method may require paying thousands of dollars in order to fund tutors to teach these localized groups of students. It is still unsafe in many institutions which thousands of children pass by one another on a daily basis which could lead to mass spread of the virus if even a couple of students have contracted the virus. This article reflects the outcome of an already declining school system affected with a worldwide pandemic. This article gives us a way of looking at how people are affected by and making alternatives to a failing and problematic system of education due to current health safety requirements. This post makes me question whether to innovate or destroy the system? Everything seems to be fluid and unpredictable due to the varying status of the nation day to day. Makes me question, who is responsible for the safety of students and children to be upheld? How does one monitor the level of safety and how will well being be ensured?
Insider's Nadine Jolie Courtney
#REL101 , #wellbeing, #safety, #healthcare, #education, #uncertainty, #seclusion

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I found this Business Insider article on LinkedIn which was shared by a Columbia Professor I follow. This article details on the uncertainty of kids going back to school in the traditional way and how other alternatives to approaching new methods of schooling has been addressed. "School Choice" allows parents to have the freedom to choose where their child goes to school. With some schools going full remote, others choose to use a hybrid version to help with childcare and and providing safer alternatives.

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Business Insider

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This item was submitted on August 9, 2020 by Anjali Prasad using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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