
Staying Positive During A Pandemic


Title (Dublin Core)

Staying Positive During A Pandemic

Description (Dublin Core)

I remember when quarantine first started, I was miserable. I hated the idea of being stuck in the house. But I used quarantine as a time for me to stay positive and work on becoming a better me. With staying positive I had a better mindset throughout the day and found ways to keep me motivated. I was upset at first with a bunch of my activities being cancelled but I did find positive alternatives. With this it has definitely lifted my spirits and made me have more of a positive outlook on the cancellation of certain things and on life moving forward.
A picture from Google that represents staying positive when the world and other around you are down.

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This item was submitted on August 17, 2020 by Kiara Wilson using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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