A Lucky Star Adventure
Title (Dublin Core)
A Lucky Star Adventure
Description (Dublin Core)
Victoria Lee-Brewer
Professor Dominguez
Politics in a Global Pandemic
Moakley Visual Memory: New York
I went to New York for a day, which not only showed me how serious some states are
taking this but how officials in certain states are not enforcing some of the policies causing more
problems. From the Boston Lucky Star Train terminal, is where I started my adventure to
Manhattan, New York. As we got on board, they checked our temperatures I noticed the
mandatory mask wearing sign on our way there inside of the bus but not on the way back.
I stayed at the Courtyard Marriot in Midtown Manhattan on 34th street which not only
had the best stores but the best sales as well. As I walked down the strip shopping with my
boyfriend we notice, how all of the police officers are not wearing a mask while 75% of the
civilians had on a mask. Which creates answers to questions like, why is the virus still
spreading? Officials are not following the CDC and Health guidelines themselves, which
explains why the spread in New York is continuous. I even rode the train to the Bronx and observed how Hospitals are not making sure their Sanitizers are staying full and officers once
again were not wearing a protective face mask.
Why should the citizens in New York wear a mask if the officers are not going to? Police
officers are supposed to set examples and protect the public, instead they seem like a danger to
public health.
Professor Dominguez
Politics in a Global Pandemic
Moakley Visual Memory: New York
I went to New York for a day, which not only showed me how serious some states are
taking this but how officials in certain states are not enforcing some of the policies causing more
problems. From the Boston Lucky Star Train terminal, is where I started my adventure to
Manhattan, New York. As we got on board, they checked our temperatures I noticed the
mandatory mask wearing sign on our way there inside of the bus but not on the way back.
I stayed at the Courtyard Marriot in Midtown Manhattan on 34th street which not only
had the best stores but the best sales as well. As I walked down the strip shopping with my
boyfriend we notice, how all of the police officers are not wearing a mask while 75% of the
civilians had on a mask. Which creates answers to questions like, why is the virus still
spreading? Officials are not following the CDC and Health guidelines themselves, which
explains why the spread in New York is continuous. I even rode the train to the Bronx and observed how Hospitals are not making sure their Sanitizers are staying full and officers once
again were not wearing a protective face mask.
Why should the citizens in New York wear a mask if the officers are not going to? Police
officers are supposed to set examples and protect the public, instead they seem like a danger to
public health.
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Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Business & Industry
Health & Wellness
Government Local
Social Distance
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
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This item was submitted on August 19, 2020 by Victoria Lee Brewer using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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