
Working at Weggies

Title (Dublin Core)

Working at Weggies

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I started working at my job at Wegmans in January 2020. As a cashier, pandemic or not, you encounter many people. When the pandemic hit, everything changed so fast and so drastically. There were so many rules about employees washing hands frequently to mandatory masks to social distancing in line. They even limited how many people were in the store at a time. My job did the best they could given the circumstances, but it was still scary going to work. This virus does not make it easy to identify who has it and who does not. Whenever you go out, please where a mask and stand back. You don’t know how many people the employees see daily.
This is a picture of what a customer sees when they are waiting in line to check out. There is also plexiglass by the cashier.

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This item was submitted on August 22, 2020 by Chloe Syzc using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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