Old Paranoia
Title (Dublin Core)
Old Paranoia
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The modern day photo, the one quivocating social distancing to Communism, I first stumbled upon on social media. The photo instantly made me think how paranoia has always played a part in the American attitude towards the government; Americans have always been quick to assume that the government isn't being straightforward with them and that there's a conspiracy afoot. That conclusion leads me to the second photo, taken in August of 1959 in Little Rock, Arkanasas, was the response to school integration that allowed African-Americans to go to formerly White-Only schools. As you can see, it's a mirror image of Americans forming conspiracy theories or general paranoia that is usually scapegoated onto Communism.
Two photos, one found at first online; however, I found both images I wanted at Snopes to fact check them.
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Pandemic Skeptics
Race & Ethnicity
Social Distance
Government Federal
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This item was submitted on August 24, 2020 by Minh Yin using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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