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Music helped me during quarantine because it was an amazing distraction and I was able to tune everything else out. I would listen to music in my different ways including a record player, a cd player, and my phone. I played music just about anytime I wasn't doing something else. It helped me calm down in such stressful times. Quarantine was such a dark time, we expected to finish off the school year but that got taken away from us. We weren't allowed to see our friends, we didn't get to say goodbye to our teachers, all we really needed was distractions. Music wasn't the only thing that helped, some other things were facetiming, text messaging, TikToks, movies/tv shows, and reading.
Records are big discs that play music when a needle is presses down on it. The albums are split in two and you flip them to get more music. TikTok is a app where you post short videos and people anywhere can see them, you can also send them to anyone.
Peter Carl Goldmark-records, James Russell-CDs

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This item was submitted on August 27, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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