Covid-19 gaming
Title (Dublin Core)
Covid-19 gaming
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During Covid-19 quarantine, all highly populated public places were closed. (theaters, arcades, etc.) We were all confined to stuff to do in our houses and one thing that was done a lot was playing video games. I played a lot of video games, specifically COD Modern Warfare, which was of the biggest games during quarantine. This is important to me because it was something that kept me same during the pandemic.
This is picture with an explanation about it. I found the picture on google
#gaming, #popular
This story originated from me and my experience. It makes me feel good to see that gaming was loved how I love it. It relates because everyone tried gaming at some point during the pandemic.
This story originated from me and my experience. It makes me feel good to see that gaming was loved how I love it. It relates because everyone tried gaming at some point during the pandemic.
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Type (Dublin Core)
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Recreation & Leisure
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
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Item sets
This item was submitted on August 27, 2020 by Kyle using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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